Our Club

Main meetings occur on Thursday evenings 7pm onwards, with others taking place on demand by various individuals and groups within the club. Members’ range from college students to retirees. Junior members (under 18) are welcome if accompanied by a parent to each meeting. New members are invited to come along to see if our club is what you are looking for. Please contact us via the various methods listed on the Contact us page or fill in an application form available from a club member.

The club also runs Collectors Toy & Model Swap Meets twice a year. Here the public can buy, sell and swap model trains, Dinky, Corgi, Matchbox, diecast vehicles, planes, dolls, teddy bears, books, posters, annuals and magazines. We also have military memorabilia, sci-fi toys and models, posters, annuals, books, magazines and much more.

Whether it’s the oval track you just got for Christmas or a basement empire, we would be more than happy to see you at the Auckland Central Model Railway Club.

English OO Scale Layout - Sheffield

Built by: – Several members over a long period of time
Short History: – Originally started by Dave Batchelor and Ian Gregg, Using Sheffield Victoria UK as the basis for the layout. They gathered information and photographs to assist their project.
The station track layout was completed with a canal and over bridgr, but the layout was not finished, although most of the basic base boards were already constructed.
The layout was then knocked down into modules and stored. (reason unknown).
In 2013. The club decided to build a UK 00 scale layout using Sheffield as the starting point. Tracks and points were changed or modified but the basic station layout remains similar to the original version.
Many additional features are now on show. These include a quarry, country station, mainline terminus, large engine shed and dock area.
The system running lines are split into three with an up, down main and branch line, each can be operated by DC or DCC controls, individually or jointly.
During the time the following members have had varying degrees of input over the years.
These include: Jim Smith, Tony Tucker, Graham Leary, Keith Butler, Bob Cartwright, Thomas Hurst and Paul Hardey.

American HO Scale Layout - ????

English N Scale Layout - Town & Country

Started: – 2016
Operating on DC.
Built by: – Jim Smith & Allan Walters.
Short History: – following the donation of a small folding legged base board 2000 * 1050mm to the club, it was decided to use it for a portable layout.
A simple double track figure of 8, N gauge was selected to best suit the requirements.
The layout can be viewed from all sidess giving four completely different impressions of UK scenery from town, moorland, rolling fields, along with Mills and a Brewery.

American N Scale Layout - Bear Valley